How to Clear Corel Draw Cache
Error: Code 1 - Corel Draw Error 1' errors and other critical malfunctions can arise when the Windows operating system becomes overloaded with invalid system references, as well as corrupted and deleted registry files.
How to fix the Runtime Code 1 CorelDRAW Error 1
This article features error number Code 1, commonly known as CorelDRAW Error 1 described as Corel Draw Error 1' errors and other critical malfunctions can arise when the Windows operating system becomes overloaded with invalid system references, as well as corrupted and deleted registry files.
About Runtime Code 1
Runtime Code 1 happens when CorelDRAW fails or crashes whilst it's running, hence its name. It doesn't necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on your screen unless handled and corrected. Here are symptoms, causes and ways to troubleshoot the problem.
Definitions (Beta)
Here we list some definitions for the words contained in your error, in an attempt to help you understand your problem. This is a work in progress, so sometimes we might define the word incorrectly, so feel free to skip this section!
- Coreldraw - CorelDRAW is a vector graphics editor and the name of Corel's Graphics Suite.
- Draw - A tag for questions about methods of displaying graphical data or images.
- Operating system - An operating System OS is a basic software whose role is to be an abstract layer between software requisitions for resources and the hardware available, manage inputoutput, memory allocationdeallocation, file systems, among other basic tasks a device not necessarily a computer should do.
- Registry - The Windows Registry is a database where configuration settings for hardware, software and the Windows operating system itself are saved.
- System - System may refer to a set of interdependent components; Low level infrastructure like the operating system from a high language point of view or an object or function for accessing the previous
- References - A reference is a value that enables a program to indirectly access a particular datum, such as a variable or a record, in the computer's memory or in some other storage device.
- Files - A block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, accessible by the string-based name or path
Symptoms of Code 1 - CorelDRAW Error 1
Runtime errors happen without warning. The error message can come up the screen anytime CorelDRAW is run. In fact, the error message or some other dialogue box can come up again and again if not addressed early on.
There may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. User may also experience a sudden drop in internet connection speed, yet again, this is not always the case.

(For illustrative purposes only)
Causes of CorelDRAW Error 1 - Code 1
During software design, programmers code anticipating the occurrence of errors. However, there are no perfect designs, as errors can be expected even with the best program design. Glitches can happen during runtime if a certain error is not experienced and addressed during design and testing.
Runtime errors are generally caused by incompatible programs running at the same time. It may also occur because of memory problem, a bad graphics driver or virus infection. Whatever the case may be, the problem must be resolved immediately to avoid further problems. Here are ways to remedy the error.
Repair Methods
Runtime errors may be annoying and persistent, but it is not totally hopeless, repairs are available. Here are ways to do it.
If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.
Please note: Neither nor it's writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page - you complete these steps at your own risk.
Method 1 - Close Conflicting Programs
When you get a runtime error, keep in mind that it is happening due to programs that are conflicting with each other. The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to stop these conflicting programs.
- Open Task Manager by clicking Ctrl-Alt-Del at the same time. This will let you see the list of programs currently running.
- Go to the Processes tab and stop the programs one by one by highlighting each program and clicking the End Process buttom.
- You will need to observe if the error message will reoccur each time you stop a process.
- Once you get to identify which program is causing the error, you may go ahead with the next troubleshooting step, reinstalling the application.
Method 2 - Update / Reinstall Conflicting Programs
Using Control Panel
- For Windows 7, click the Start Button, then click Control panel, then Uninstall a program
- For Windows 8, click the Start Button, then scroll down and click More Settings, then click Control panel > Uninstall a program.
- For Windows 10, just type Control Panel on the search box and click the result, then click Uninstall a program
- Once inside Programs and Features, click the problem program and click Update or Uninstall.
- If you chose to update, then you will just need to follow the prompt to complete the process, however if you chose to Uninstall, you will follow the prompt to uninstall and then re-download or use the application's installation disk to reinstall the program.
Using Other Methods
- For Windows 7, you may find the list of all installed programs when you click Start and scroll your mouse over the list that appear on the tab. You may see on that list utility for uninstalling the program. You may go ahead and uninstall using utilities available in this tab.
- For Windows 10, you may click Start, then Settings, then choose Apps.
- Scroll down to see the list of Apps and features installed in your computer.
- Click the Program which is causing the runtime error, then you may choose to uninstall or click Advanced options to reset the application.
Method 3 - Update your Virus protection program or download and install the latest Windows Update
Virus infection causing runtime error on your computer must immediately be prevented, quarantined or deleted. Make sure you update your virus program and run a thorough scan of the computer or, run Windows update so you can get the latest virus definition and fix.
Method 4 - Re-install Runtime Libraries
You might be getting the error because of an update, like the MS Visual C++ package which might not be installed properly or completely. What you can do then is to uninstall the current package and install a fresh copy.
- Uninstall the package by going to Programs and Features, find and highlight the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
- Click Uninstall on top of the list, and when it is done, reboot your computer.
- Download the latest redistributable package from Microsoft then install it.
Method 5 - Run Disk Cleanup
You might also be experiencing runtime error because of a very low free space on your computer.
- You should consider backing up your files and freeing up space on your hard drive
- You can also clear your cache and reboot your computer
- You can also run Disk Cleanup, open your explorer window and right click your main directory (this is usually C: )
- Click Properties and then click Disk Cleanup
Method 6 - Reinstall Your Graphics Driver
If the error is related to a bad graphics driver, then you may do the following:
- Open your Device Manager, locate the graphics driver
- Right click the video card driver then click uninstall, then restart your computer
Method 7 - IE related Runtime Error
If the error you are getting is related to the Internet Explorer, you may do the following:
- Reset your browser.
- For Windows 7, you may click Start, go to Control Panel, then click Internet Options on the left side. Then you can click Advanced tab then click the Reset button.
- For Windows 8 and 10, you may click search and type Internet Options, then go to Advanced tab and click Reset.
- Disable script debugging and error notifications.
- On the same Internet Options window, you may go to Advanced tab and look for Disable script debugging
- Put a check mark on the radio button
- At the same time, uncheck the "Display a Notification about every Script Error" item and then click Apply and OK, then reboot your computer.
If these quick fixes do not work, you can always backup files and run repair reinstall on your computer. However, you can do that later when the solutions listed here did not do the job.
Other languages:
Wie beheben Fehler 1 (CorelDRAW-Fehler 1) - Corel Draw Error 1-Fehler und andere kritische Fehlfunktionen können auftreten, wenn das Windows-Betriebssystem mit ungültigen Systemreferenzen sowie beschädigten und gelöschten Registrierungsdateien überlastet wird.
Come fissare Errore 1 (CorelDRAW Errore 1) - Errori di Corel Draw Error 1' e altri malfunzionamenti critici possono verificarsi quando il sistema operativo Windows viene sovraccaricato di riferimenti di sistema non validi, nonché di file di registro danneggiati ed eliminati.
Hoe maak je Fout 1 (CorelDRAW-fout 1) - Corel Draw Error 1'-fouten en andere kritieke storingen kunnen optreden wanneer het Windows-besturingssysteem overbelast raakt met ongeldige systeemverwijzingen, evenals beschadigde en verwijderde registerbestanden.
Comment réparer Erreur 1 (CorelDRAW Erreur 1) - Des erreurs Corel Draw Error 1 et d'autres dysfonctionnements critiques peuvent survenir lorsque le système d'exploitation Windows est surchargé de références système non valides, ainsi que de fichiers de registre corrompus et supprimés.
어떻게 고치는 지 오류 1 (CorelDRAW 오류 1) - Corel Draw Error 1' 오류 및 기타 심각한 오작동은 Windows 운영 체제가 잘못된 시스템 참조와 손상되거나 삭제된 레지스트리 파일로 과부하가 걸리면 발생할 수 있습니다.
Como corrigir o Erro 1 (Erro 1 do CorelDRAW) - Erros de Corel Draw Error 1 'e outras avarias críticas podem surgir quando o sistema operacional Windows fica sobrecarregado com referências de sistema inválidas, bem como arquivos de registro corrompidos e excluídos.
Hur man åtgärdar Fel 1 (CorelDRAW-fel 1) - Corel Draw Error 1 '-fel och andra kritiska fel kan uppstå när Windows -operativsystemet blir överbelastat med ogiltiga systemreferenser samt skadade och borttagna registerfiler.
Как исправить Ошибка 1 (CorelDRAW Ошибка 1) - Ошибки Corel Draw Error 1 и другие критические сбои могут возникнуть, когда операционная система Windows будет перегружена недопустимыми ссылками на систему, а также поврежденными или удаленными файлами реестра.
Jak naprawić Błąd 1 (Błąd 1 programu CorelDRAW) - Błędy Corel Draw Error 1' i inne krytyczne awarie mogą wystąpić, gdy system operacyjny Windows zostanie przeciążony nieprawidłowymi odniesieniami systemowymi, a także uszkodzonymi i usuniętymi plikami rejestru.
Cómo arreglar Error 1 (Error 1 de CorelDRAW) - Los errores de Corel Draw Error 1 'y otras fallas críticas pueden surgir cuando el sistema operativo Windows se sobrecarga con referencias de sistema no válidas, así como con archivos de registro dañados y eliminados.
About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they've contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.
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16/08/21 11:27 : A Android user voted that repair method 4 worked for them.
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